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More reading for people who want to contribute to, or learn more about development.

Extras: Welcome

Official Feedback Form

A Google Forms document where you can write down your thoughts and feedback on the latest build.


Responses can be anonymous, but will be read.

Extras: Welcome


Extra content for those interested in the development of some of the builds

Extras: Files

Written Report #2 - (24/08/22)

The further context behind the 4th and latest build of the datapack. Includes a few extra pieces of trivia including the playermodel and future plans.

Written Report #1 - (23/05/21)

A written blog following the 2nd build of the datapack. Includes a few behind-the-scenes content and a few future plans (at the time).

Block Mesa: Inbound

Predecessor to Combat 17

Block Mesa: Inbound was a Minecraft resource pack inspired by Half-Life 2's mobs, weapons and items. This project was eventually replaced by Combat 17, a datapack that solely focuses on Half-Life 2's weapons.

Extras: HTML Embed

©2022 by BlockState Citadel. 
The Half-Life series belongs to Valve
Minecraft belongs to Mojang Studios

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